We are a charity organization with a generous twist. We focus on the individual child, in delivering to them all the skills required for life.

about the founders

W. Oommen George

Chief Operating Officer (India),
LTSA India.

With years of experience in the corporate world under his belt, where he was responsible for steering to completion many a tricky project, Oommen George is a multi-talented individual who excels at building teamwork, and achieving set goals. An effective communicator, Oommen specializes in building up and motivating a cohesive unit to achieve difficult tasks and is driven by a desire to make a positive difference to the world around him.

A chemistry graduate from Union Christian College, Aluva, Oommen earned a Masters degree in Social Work from Loyola College, Trivandrum and immediately set about working to make a impact in the social sphere. After earning his stripes as a Programme Secretary for the YMCA at the Aluva Camp Centre, he subsequently served in various capacities in labour welfare and as medical social worker in Trivandrum Medical College, for Hindustan Construction Company when they built the Idukki Dam, and as personnel officer in a series of reputed corporate entities in various parts of India.

Though retired now, Oommen maintains a busy schedule and seldom lets the grass grow under his feet. He keeps busy with various philanthropic and social projects. As xxxxx of LTSA India, Oommen plays a lead role in coordinating the efforts of the advance teams at upcoming medical camp sites to enable the teams to reach out to the most deserving cases. Ironing out the paperwork, working to clear bureaucratic logjams and working with local authorities and social workers to ensure that the most needy people can benefit from the medical camps being conducted by LTSA, is Oommen’s strength.