We are a charity organization with a generous twist. We focus on the individual child, in delivering to them all the skills required for life.

Becoming a Mentor

Giving of your time is the most valuable thing a child can receive when you share your knowledge and help pass it on to future generations. It helps sustain life and opens up minds to new paths of learning by sharing ideas. We encourage you to take this path with Let them Smile Academy should you feel a strong desire to do so.

Responsibilities of a Mentor:

Be warned that each child’s life is not to be taken lightly. Each mentor is directly responsible for the safety and well being of the child.

Child predators or people with a history of being a pedophile are warned to stay away or risk going to jail for misleading, molesting a child of the Let them Smile Academy. Furthermore, misleading a child has definite punishment in the Bible. Jesus says:“But whosoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to sin, it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were drowned in the depth of the sea.” Matthew: 18:3

A selected mentor then promises to care for the children under his / her care. The children you will be educating will reap the benefits and become tomorrow’s successful citizens. We select students with potential to study but who lack the resources to become successful. Students from 8-12 grades will be having the privilege to study with a mentor.

A qualified mentor can be of any age, with a bachelor’s or master’s degree, have experience in the world’s work force and be able to impart practical wisdom to the students under their care. A mentor must be honest and have integrity at all times.

A mentor will be doing volunteer work for our academy and focus on the well being of each student – to help them get their school supplies and all tools necessary for a successful education and life career. We will help each mentor with the money needed to purchase necessary supplies for the students.

Who can become a Mentor?

Anyone who has time on their hands and in a right frame of mind and willingness to help develop the minds of children can become a mentor. The mentor has to be educationally qualified to help students achieve their goals.