We are a charity organization with a generous twist. We focus on the individual child, in delivering to them all the skills required for life.


A charity organization like ours depends on the generosity of large hearted individuals such as you. If you feel convinced that we are indeed tackling the root cause of poverty and inclined to donate, we’d be happy to use your donation to the best of our ability to wipe out tears and bring smiles to every child’s face. That is why we have named our organization Let them Smile.

Apart from donating time, money is the single most valuable commodity that generous people give to help make the world a better place. True, money can be used to buy weapons and destroy mankind. But the same money can be put to constructive purposes to help educate, feed and provide for mankind.

If every child, man and woman can have a sense of dignity about them, their pride and joy restored then we will have completed our task. And when we see that the next generation of children is better off because we educated the present generation of children and helped them get better jobs, we will know we are on the right track.

So donate your best amount today. Also do consider donating periodically to our organization and help us to spread the word about tackling the causes of poverty. As an individual each person like you can help make a sea of change in the lives of countless millions who have no one to help them.

Let us make it our life’s goal to help poor kids and adults smile their way into a fulfilled life. Please donate today.